Study: Exercising Can Improve Symptoms of Sleep Apnea
Submitted by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Fri 06/24/2016 - 09:00
Not only is exercise good for your waistline, but research says it can also help improve symptoms of sleep apnea. In this blog post, Dr. Ivan Stein of New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions takes a look at two separate studies and their findings regarding exercise and sleep apnea.
About the Findings
Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh School of Sleep Medicine looked at 43 sedentary adults with moderate to severe sleep apnea. Half of the participants were placed in a fitness program that involved brisk walking 30 to 40 minutes four days a week and weight training two days a week. The remaining half stretched 30 to 40 minutes four days a week and worked on flexibility two days a week.
After 12 weeks, the group that participated in brisk walking and strength training saw a 25 percent improvement in their sleep apnea symptoms. Participants in this group also reported feeling more alert and less fatigued during daytime activities. Meanwhile, the second group actually saw a slight increase in their sleep apnea symptoms.
A second study surveyed a larger group of people and found similar results. The study, published in the journal Mental Health and Physical Activity, looked at more than 2,600 men and women ranging in age from 18 to 85. Researchers found that 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise a week resulted in a 65 percent improvement in sleep quality. Participants also reported feeling less sleepy during the day. Daytime sleepiness is a common symptom of sleep apnea.
While researchers believe further research still needs to be done with larger sample sizes, they believe these findings are promising. Experts recommend exercising at least three times a week for 30 minutes.
Contact New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions
If you have questions regarding sleep apnea symptoms or treatment, please contact New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions. Dr. Ivan Stein or another member of our dedicated medical staff will gladly answer all of your questions and discuss your treatment options. Please call us today for a one-on-one consultation at (855) WHY-SNORE or (855) 949-7667.