Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Tue 08/26/2014
Individuals who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (a disorder in which the sufferer temporarily stops breathing while sleeping) understand how exhausting it can be. Those with obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, may experience as many as 80 to 500 episodes each night, leaving them feeling uncontrollably sleepy, irritable or depressed in the following days. Thankfully,…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Mon 08/11/2014
Most people recognize the importance of sleeping well each night. For adults, this means clocking seven to eight hours of restful sleep every night. However, do you know how sleeping well each night can improve your day? Here are five unexpected ways a good night’s sleep can improve your day. #1: Improve Memory During a…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Mon 08/11/2014
Does your child snore? Does he or she breathe through the mouth during the day, act out in school or suffer from hyperactivity? If so, your child may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The Difficulty With Diagnosing Children With Sleep Apnea It can be difficult to diagnose sleep apnea in children, and many symptoms of…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Mon 08/11/2014
At New Jersey Sleep Apnea solutions, Dr. Ivan F. Stein and his team often hear the question, “Who is most likely to suffer from a sleep disorder?” The answer is that it depends on what the sleep disorder is. Here is some general information about who is most likely to suffer from some of the…