Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Wed 09/26/2018
The amount of sleep that teenagers are getting has dropped significantly over the past 20 years. This is according to a study published in the journal Pediatrics, which looked at the sleeping habits of adolescents aged 12 to 16. The study also found that lack of sleep puts teens at higher risk for certain health…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Wed 06/27/2018
By now you are well aware of how a sleep disorder like sleep apnea can affect your ability to get a good night’s rest. But the effects of sleep apnea extend far beyond night time. In this blog post, West Orange dentist and sleep specialist Dr. Ivan Stein explains some of the ways sleep apnea…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Mon 05/28/2018
Do you have difficulty falling asleep, despite lying in bed for hours upon hours? As a result, do you wake up in the morning feeling tired or drowsy? The answer behind your inability to sleep may be stress. West Orange dentist and sleep specialist Dr. Ivan Stein meets with hundreds of individuals each year that…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Fri 12/29/2017
Digital screens are an unavoidable part of our lives these days, and parting ways with them each night can be difficult for many people. Whether you wind down in the evening by reading from a tablet, obsessively checking social media, or curling up in bed to an episode of your favorite show, the blue light…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Wed 10/26/2016
A recent study published in the journal of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that spouses of military service members experience a significant amount of sleep disturbances. In this blog post, Dr. Ivan Stein of New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions takes a closer look at the study’s findings and its implications.
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Mon 03/21/2016
Nearly 20 million Americans suffer from the sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. Many people are familiar with the most common type of sleep apnea — obstructive sleep apnea or OSA — but fail to recognize the two other types of the disorder. Here, Dr. Ivan Stein and the team at New Jersey Sleep Apnea…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Sat 01/23/2016
Sleep apnea specialists have known for a long time that obstructive sleep apnea triples the risk of cardiovascular disease. Until recently, the exact link between sleep apnea and increased risk of heart disease has been unclear. New research from Columbia University Medical Center suggests that cholesterol is the culprit, and hints at a potential solution…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Tue 11/24/2015
As children, our bedtime routines are often as simple as counting sheep to fall asleep. But with age, certain sounds or distractions can start to affect our sleep. If you are having trouble falling and staying asleep at night, Dr. Ivan Stein and the team at New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions suggest incorporating a solid…
Written by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Tue 10/27/2015
Whether you’ve stayed up late every so often to finish up a work project or you have recurrent problems sleeping because of sleep apnea or another condition causing insomnia, you may be in sleep debt. To find out if you are displaying the more serious signs of sleep deprivation, read on. You’re Hungry More Often…