Back-to-school Sleeping Tips for Kids and Teens
Submitted by New Jersey Snoring Solutions on Wed 09/28/2016 - 09:00

The benefits of sleep have long been established. Studies show that a good night’s rest improves memory, enhances creativity and even boosts the immune system — all which are important to a student’s success in school. The back-to-school season is the perfect time to establish good sleeping habits. In this blog post, Dr. Ivan Stein of New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions shares the following tips on healthy sleeping habits for your child to maintain throughout the year.
Keep a Regular Bedtime Schedule
A consistent sleep schedule is just as important as getting a sufficient amount of sleep. Allowing a child to stay up late (including on the weekends) or sleep in can throw off a sleep schedule for days. If your child is used to staying up late, gradually ease them into an earlier bedtime. Start by moving their bedtime back about 15 minutes from their normal sleep schedule until they are going to bed at an appropriate time.
Begin a Relaxing Bedtime Routine
Have your child unwind with a relaxing activity or routine before going to bed. The routine should be consistent and not be over-stimulating. Common bedtime routines for children include a bath after dinner and reading a few chapters from a book.
Turn Off Electronics
All electronics (TV, video games, cell phones, computer and tablets) should be turned off at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Not only is the content from these digital devices mentally stimulating, but the artificial light emitting from them disrupts sleep by signaling the brain to stay awake.
Limit Sugar and Caffeine Intake
Caffeinated drinks and sugary snacks should be limited after noon for children and avoided three hours before bedtime. Similarly, heavy meals late at night or close to your child’s bedtime can also prevent them from falling asleep.
If your child practices good sleeping habits but still struggles to get a good night’s rest, they may suffer from a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea. To learn more about sleep apnea, or to schedule a consultation, reach out to sleep specialist Dr. Ivan Stein. Please contact New Jersey Sleep Apnea Solutions by calling (855) WHY-SNORE or (855) 949-7667 today.